One Punch World Impact
Reach the lost with The Gospel of Jesus Christ

With missionaries across the world, COOL Ministries has reached the nations with boots on the ground in China, the Philippians, and Uganda. The message of Christ Over Our Life is taken unto people all over the world and we are happy to share regular updates and happy to bring these missionaries in-person to share what the Lord has done!

C.O.O.L. Ministries' number one objective is to encourage every single person that crosses the threshold of our life to draw closer to God and develop a deeper and more meaningful, intimate relationship with Christ. We can not heal anyone nor can we save them, but we know Someone Who can and that Someone is Jesus Christ whom we serve with our whole hearts. Helping hurting and healing people get into the living water of the Holy Word of God and meet their Healer, Jesus Christ, is the basis for everything we do.