Foundationally speaking, we at COOL Ministries, Inc. of San Antonio, have received from the Lord, a very unique take on drug and alcohol recovery. Having re-written the 12-steps of Recovery and put Christ so very boldly in the mix of it all. We give Him a proper place of reverence and respect. We ask Father God to breathe His Holy Spirit Power into it all. What we have been given is more raw and uncut while extending the deepest love and compassion of Christ Over Our Life. It comes down to a decision and the development of strong resolve. Accepting the Word of God as Absolute Truth and then applying the Word of God accurately to our lives solves problems. We are always learning more and more all the time about how to be real in our faith.
This one is best described as the work we do in the COOL Christ-centered 12-Step Recovery Support Groups and from time to time, periodically we will do special studies and this includes the curriculum for Breaking The Chains (BTC) with 130 pages of the curriculum to assist people in their discipleship. Our COOL Recovery meetings are held on Monday from 6:30 pm-7:30 pm & Friday from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm
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